Blessing the Vasilopita - 01/01/25

(Archim. Gervasios Parasvopoulos + 1964)

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the source of true joy and all blessings, who through Your Holy Apostle Paul You enjoined us "do all things to the glory of God", and through him said "for every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving", and this ancestral inheritance of the "vasilopita", as a symbol of unity and love we received from our fathers, do Blessed Lord, bless these Gifts and those who offer them, direct them in all good works, and those who receive them, always keep them safe and healthy in Your Name, "that they may be one" to the glory of Your holy Name. For You are the Giver of good things and to You we ascribe glory, together with Your Father who is without beginning and Your all-holy and good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.